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A Marketing Clarity Call is a 90-minute call where I take you through my Marketing Clarity framework and help you go from feeling lost about marketing direction to getting crystal clear on your next steps.
Realistically speaking...
Edward Hopper, one of the most celebrated realists in American Art, struggled to define his style early in his career.
Later, he found recognition during the Great Depression through his paintings of urban American life and other realistic themes. Despite producing more than 800 paintings, Hopper's process involved deliberate contemplation of his subjects.
It is said of Hopper that "he accepted things as they were and displayed a lack of idealism".*
Defining a niche for your business requires an equally deliberate approach that cannot be substituted for wishful thinking.
This process needs a healthy dose of realism and answering questions like:
Does this population make sense for my business goals?
Can I easily access this niche in my place of practice?
Do I enjoy working with this niche?
Often, when I work with clients, we discover that the niche they've envisioned for their practice simply doesn't make practical sense.
In a space where we want to help as many people as possible, realism can serve as a trusted guide for defining your niche.
The quality of care
While your own professionalism, expertise, and attention to your clients ensure the quality of care they need to remain with you, technology has a significant impact as well.
CEO Today Magazine outlined the ways therapy clinics can keep pace with innovations and provide high-quality care.
Voted 15 best podcasts
Whether you want to be a guest on a podcast or recommend a good one to your clients, here's a list of 15 best Mental Health podcasts.
Reaching Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers' generation is reaching a retirement age. Ranging between 57-76 years old, there are 71.6 million baby boomers in the U.S.
With 20% of this generation experiencing mental health issues, this article explores why it's important to reduce stigma in this population.
Your brain on war
In a CNN segment, Dr. Gail Saltz, Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, explains how you can protect your mental health during the Israel-Hamas war.